
عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر, ٢٠١٩

Show care

Customers love it when you care. You don't need the best product or the greatest features or the most value. A lot of the time, you just have to care. Many of your competitors will just do what is best for them and do their best to get in their customer's wallets to extract more money from them. You can be different, though. You can do what AI and technology can't commodities. You can care. You can use human nature as your selling point rather than content that is not valuable also known as "ads." Watch what happens when you care about the customer and are genuine. They won't be able to stop buying from you. Show care.

Money Heist

I watched Money Heist on Netflix And, picked up some interesting business lessons. Here they are, without telling you what happens in the series. 1- A great storyteller can convince anyone. ✨with a gripping story, trust building and a story that makes sense to the common man. You can convince a group of people to print billions of euros. It’s the story and storytelling that sold this plot. 2- Find the misfits, the squares in round peg holes and the ones who are multi talented ✨it’ll help you build an A-Star team. You need to have a team that fills your objectives perfectly, even if they aren’t perfect/the best. 3- Understand your competition and their every move. This requires a ton of learning, understanding and watching. ✨it’ll help you stay not just one but multiple steps ahead of the competition. Being aware will help you prepare and show you where you have leverage. 4- Have one leader. One leader with a clear vision is better than multiple with a shared vision. ✨by letting o